We are committed to helping you learn more about Indigenous Wsidom, the Guiding Principles, our Projects and our vast and expanding network of Elders.
Sunday – Grandmothers of Europe
Our vision for 2021 is to continue and that women stand shoulder to shoulder and connect and communicate through the wisdom of Europe.
The 7 weeks Connection Field by Good of the Whole hosted our Gathering of Indigenous Grandmothers of Europe. 10 May 2020 on Mothers Day. First of Serie of Four Gatherings to be with us and share our Songs and Stories of Ancient Europe and invite you to be with us and step into our Circle to come Home, We are One Human Family.
After a serie of 4 weeks ceremonie with our grandmothers of Europe, we continued to meet and share our songs and stories.
Every sunday at 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm we gather with the Grandmothers of Europe
Wednesday Water Day
Every wednesday Four Worlds Europe invites women to go to their local water.
High in the mountains to the source, the springs, the lake, to the rivers, to the local watersheds, to the sea or the ocean. To connect with the water, to name the water, to sing, to drum, to pray. Offline.
We invite you to share a picture of your local water.
Please send it to
Please send it to
In 2020 we collected the pictures through the year ad made this film.
Our vision for 2021 is to continue and that women (shoulder to shoulder) connect and communicate through the waters of Europe.
FOUR WORLDS A community of People Protecting Mother Earth.